Local Administration is assured by the Band Council of Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa,
under the direction of Chief and Council.
Our Council is part of the Anishnabeg Algonquin Nation.

Mission Statement
To adequately and transparently represent the members of the community on all government levels and issues according to the direction of its members that will ensure the growth and development of the community.
To promote and protect the collective interest of all Eagle Village First Nation members; through the strength and will of its people and guided by their values, culture and traditions.
To provide equal and fair opportunities to all members accessing programs and services according to established policy and procedures for the betterment of the community.
Vision Statement
To develop into a strong, unified community whereas our Anicinabe rights and ownership to our traditional territory have been acknowledged by all government levels. Whereas our community, through economic development, can prosper in a sustainable manner to be self-sufficient.

Eagle Village First Nation has 890 Registered Members
272 On Reserve
618 Off Reserve
Our first language spoken in the community is English, followed by Algonquin and French.