The actual objective of the land management office is to participate to all decisions on forest management and mostly to ensure the preservation of wildlife habitat and traditional activities in all areas that are plan to be submitted to any type of forestry harvesting or operation.

 Because of a late Supreme Court decisions, Quebec Government and forest companies are obliged to consult First Nations on any project or activities that may affect First Nation rights on their traditional lands. The Quebec Government also introduced in their forest act the obligation to consult First Nation on all forest management plans or activities.

 In the past the community did not have the means or the manpower to participate to significant consultation. The Government introduced a program to support such a consultation process and companies went into a certification process to improve their corporate image on the market. The Eagle Village First Nation Land Management Office was founded through funding from a government program and through industry funding to participate to the planning of forest activities.

 Forest companies initiated consultation with communities to have the preoccupation of First Nation to adapt their forest management plans and present a response to those needs. Even though the government or companies are not obliged to answer to all needs and preoccupation they have to do as much as possible to meet First Nation preoccupation or the initiate an accommodation process with the community.

 Consultation is the way First Nations can address the issue in preserving their rights on the land. Actually, Eagle Village Land Management Office meets regularly with government and industry representatives to agree upon harmonization measures to preserve the quality of wildlife habitat and of traditional activities in areas were harvesting operation will be conducted.

 The Land Management Office meets with the people of concern (example: users of the land, cottagers, trappers, hunters) community participation is very important and I suggest that the members of EVFN implicate them selves and help make those very important decisions.

 For any questions please call or visit the Land and Resources Management Office.



Species at Risk:
The Bald Eagle

The Red Shouldered Hawk
The Golden Eagle
The Redheaded Woodpecker
Marsh Owl
Peregrine Falcon
Bird Sighting Questionnaire





 Bird�s Name: The Bald Eagle


Cultural Importance: Bald Eagles are considered sacred among the Algonquin people. They would adorn themselves with its feathers to represent varying degrees of rank or prowess in battle. The Bald Eagle�s ability to soar upwards establishes a connection between the people and the Creator for many Algonquin people.

Habitat Description: The Bald Eagle�s habitat is below the branches near the top of trees, nearing the peak. The nest is very large and durable nest, which provides The Bald Eagle protection and shelter.

Rarity: Uncommon; Summer Season


  Photograph: Larry Paul


Bird�s Name: Red-shouldered Hawk


Cultural Importance: Hawks are symbols of spirit, wisdom and power according to Algonquin culture. Their have feathers have an important significance in ceremonies and ceremonial dress. They are considered sacred.

Habitat Description: The Red-shouldered Hawk habitat includes deciduous forests, wooded margins of marshes, swamps, river bottoms, or anywhere else generally wet. Their nests are usually high rising in trees, and decorated with many green plants and branches.

Rarity: Rare; Summer Season

  Ref :


Bird�s Name: The Golden Eagle


Cultural Importance: The Golden Eagle signifies tremendous prestige within the Algonquin community. Feathers from the Eagle adorn elaborate clothing. The Golden Eagle was honored with the Eagle Dance, which is performed in honor and memory of recently deceased chiefs or other persons of social status.

Habitat Description: Generally, The Golden Eagle resides in a cliff or an escarpment, but they may also sometimes live in trees similar to the habitat of a Bald Eagle. The bird�s nests are immense in size.

Rarity: Rare; Migration, Year Round

Photograph:  Michel Mongeon


Bird�s Name: Redheaded Woodpecker


Cultural Importance: The Redheaded Woodpecker is considered sacred because its fiery red feathers and colorful plumage represent the sun, a life-sustaining element to the Algonquin culture. Their feathers were used in design of important ceremonial objects because of their vivid and bright colors.

Habitat Description: The Redheaded Woodpeckers occupy cavities in bark-less, dead tree trunks from ground level and upwards up to 75 feet above. Their habitats are excavated in isolated regions, but they may also inhabit more unusual sites such as buildings.

Rarity: Very rare; Summer Season


Photograph: Pic � t�te rouge, 3 septembre 2002 � Iberville
D�couvert par D. Dessureault et D. C�t�-Trussart
Photographi� par Gilles Aubin

Bird�s Name: Marsh Owl


Cultural Importance: According to Algonquin culture, the Marsh Owl is associated with magic and clairvoyance. They are believed to be very wise and to be guides to persevere through tough situations. They are considered to have a certain spirituality as well.

Habitat Description: The Marsh Owl�s nests are usually situated within grass mounds, among floral cover. Their nests are lined with grass stems, stalks, and feathers. They are abundant is fields, marshes, meadows and arctic tundra.

Rarity: Uncommon; Summer Season


Photograph:  Fabrice Croset;


Bird�s Name: Peregrine Falcon


Cultural Importance: The Peregrine Falcon was a symbol of strength and power similar to the eagles. Many hunters wore feathers of the Peregrine Falcon

and adorned themselves with feathers and painted eye patterns for special ceremonies. The falcons were believed to be connected to elemental forces such as rain, thunder and wind also.

Habitat Description: The Peregrine Falcon�s nest is found within a cliff or an escarpment similar to The Golden Eagle�s habitat. Their nests are primarily abundant during the spring and summer seasons.

Rarity: Common To Uncommon; Year Round

Photograph: Larry Paul


Bird Sighting Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to serve as an information guide to collect local and traditional ecological knowledge from the general public. Your willingness to share knowledge with us would be greatly appreciated.

Name Of Bird/Species (check more than one if necessary)

Bald Eagle                                            Red-headed Woodpecker                    Cougar                               

Golden Eagle                                        Peregrine Falcon                                  Other _________________________

Red-shouldered Hawk                   □ Marsh Owl

How Many Birds Sighted? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Date Of Sighting      Month ______________________ Day ______________________ Year 20_____________________

Time Of Sighting      Between____________________________________ and ___________________________________

Sighting Address?





Sighting Location Description?





Sighted By?



Field Notes/Additional Comments?





Land Management